A Drink With…Kim Boler

Bartender, I’ll have a…An Angel’s Envy Bourbon on the rocks…but with one of those fancy single whiskey rocks…cuz I’m Fancy.

I’m SURE you remember me from such Factory shows as…Jenny & Jenni

I got involved with the Factory because…As a performer, I’m ultimately interested in telling a good story and I think the Factory has always managed to put a good story on the stage. Combine that with how well they work as a team, support like a family, and party like rock stars…I’ll drink to that!

My current/next gig is…Currently I am involved with Akvavit Theatre’s production Blue Planet  showing now at the DCASE Storefront Theatre. I will also be in the Factory’s production The Last Big Mistake which opens in January 2016….GEEZ!!! That’s so far away!!!!!

I give a shit about our move to Rogers Park because…It’s really awesome to be so intimately involved in how your theatrical space evolves and the Factory is primed and ready. We get to build a theatrical space from scratch!!!! AND THEN PLAY ON IT!!!! I’m excited to see what we do with this new and singular opportunity and how much we can grow.

If I had to force you to listen to 2 albums, they would be…Led Zeppelin II: my first Zeppelin album! Beastie Boys, Paul’s Boutique.

My favourite Factory memory is…The day that Scott OKen informed me I had been voted into the company. I was at work. And I remember being happy and all that garbage. But when I got off the bus at the end of the day and started walking west to my apartment. The sun came out and it was still a little warm and I couldn’t help but smile and there was this rat dog that was just partying on its leash and it almost felt like I was floating a little and, yeah, I may have squeezed a couple of happy tears out…man, I just felt so happy and a part of something special.

I’m switching drinks, I’ll have a…Makers Mark and Ginger Beer…mixed together…it’s delicious!


You may be cool, but you’ll never be THIS cool. That’s reserved for Kim Boler.